Tuesday, August 16, 2016

[Health News]5 diet to reduce pain of arthritis

Dr. Leo Galland from Foundation for Integrated Medicine said "Even though medicines expense for arthritis is high, patients do not go on a diet which costs less or they have wrong knowledge of diet.” They showed the main 5 kinds of diets onto Huffingtonpost in U.S.
-Have enough fruits and vegetables = bright or dark fruits and vegetables such as cherry, strawberry and sweet potato are good. People think citrus fruits, tomato and bell pepper cause arthritis but orange and tomato are good for anti-inflammatory. However, if you were allergic to those, it might damage health, so please avoid it.
-Choose proper oil for your body= Extra virgin oil has anti-inflammatory effect, it is good for cooking and also itself. Having this with oil from fish relieves pain more.
Amaseed oil and ama have also anti-inflammatory effect but if it’s heated omaga-3 is damaged so it is good to be eaten uncooked. Vegetable oil such as corn oil, sunflower seed oil make inflammation rather worse.
-Eat oil from fish= required amount of fish oil is different depends on people, so first consult doctor. Even though you use vegetable oil rather than extra virgin olive oil, having enough fish oil is important.
-Avoid sugar and refined carbs=White flour, white rice and white potato make inflammatory worse, so try to have whole grain and beans. Carrot is known for increasing blood sugar level but an antioxidant inside of carrot, called carotenoid, is effective for anti-inflammatory. However, uncooked carrot is effective rather than cooked.
-Drink green tea and black tea= Green tea is already known as healthier food than black tea but it is not qualified. Green tea has anti-cancer effect but black tea has better anti-inflammatory. At least 3 cups of black tea are required, and if you don’t smoke, the effect will be maintained as much as you drink.
resource: http://www.kormedi.com/news/article/1219832_2892

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