Monday, July 11, 2016

[Wooridul News] If It’s Hard To Stay Sitting With A Same Position..

If people hurt their back, most people think if it’s a disc disease. Originally, disc means specific tissue between spines. This does like a cushion, absorbs shock so that spines can smoothly move without crushing.

Disc is lost its ability as a cushion by frequent damages, and can’t stand the pressure so it’s towards nerve. Getting push nerves and what it caused is called lumbar disc or disc prolapse.

◇lumbar pain and disc disease= The back consists of lumbar vertebraes 5 disc, ligament, muscle, and nerve. If one of those things has a problem, you may get pain. There are some diseases on the back such as disc prolapse, spinal disc instability and spinal stenosis.

Even having pain on the back, it’s not always problem on the disc but if you have three syptoms below, you would better go to see a doctor. First, when you feel numbness, sharpness and tightness in your legs. Second, when it’s too hard to sit down on the floor, and not be able to sit with a same position for over 10 minutes. Third, when the leg hurts even by few minutes walking and the symptoms are getting ok after a few minutes of rest.

◇consultation and treatment on the disc diseases= Patients need to be checked with X-ray to see spine and the gap between discs, and in case there are problems, MRI is needed. MRI is to check accurately the degree of change and herniated disc and stenosis.

Once you have lumbar disease, patients are going with conservative treatment such as medication, traction, heat or electrical treatment, except surgery is inevitable, and the symptoms get better without surgery in most cases. Recently, a simple nerve treatment makes a pain better early.

However, in case it’s not getting better with conservative treatment for 4-6 weeks, a pain is severe, or nerve numbness come along, 10% of patients need surgery.

Currently, they are going with spinal anesthesia and minimally invasive spine surgery, not general anesthesia. With 3cm of incision, disc is removed by laser through an operating microscope.

The most important thing is working out regularly for your healthy spine. Walking and Swimming are required to people who have weak back, tennis and climbing need to be avoided. Straight posture is important and suddent exercises and stretching is required.


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